As a young girl growing up in a rural village in Kenya, Beryl thought that all women in the world have to be "circumcised" and willingly complied with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) as a rite of passage. Little did she know about the effects of FGM/C.
Many years later she learns about a rather new reconstructive surgery that promises to give back what was once lost. In her author-driven documentary "In Search…” she explores the emotional dilemma by talking to other women who went through similar experiences. Beryl is trying to find out whether she should undergo this surgery, a journey into the unknown, for a second time. She asks: "Will I be making another terrible mistake?” or “Am I ready to face my trauma?" that drive this authentic and emotional quest into the very self of a young woman as she searches for wholeness and healing.
Subjects: African Studies, Human Rights, Health, Women's Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Institutional Licensing Options
DVD with PPR: $349
Digital Site License: $449
Digital Site License + Public Performance Rights: $499
YEAR: 2018
DURATION: 90 min.
ORIGINAL LANGUAGE: German, English, Kikuria, Swahili
COUNTRY: Germany
DIRECTOR: Beryl Magoko
WRITER: Beryl Magoko
PRODUCTION: Beryl Magoko and Jule Katinka Cramer