Completely concealed except for his fingers and toes and wearing a frightening mask, a man dances to tell the story of Lipanyangule, a mystical figure who eats children. The dance is choreographed by Nyusi, and it communicates not only the ancient legend itself, but also his own history, and that of his people and country. Are the memories in his head real, or are they nightmares? In the sparse but effectively used archive footage, we see flashes of Mozambique’s colonial past, independence struggle and civil war in a dynamic interplay with the dance. As Nyusi shares his story with his son, he offers an in-depth look at the country’s collective memories while working towards leaving his own legacy as an artist.
Subjects: African Cinema, African Studies, Dance
Institutional Licensing Options
DVD with PPR: $349
Digital Site License: $449
Digital Site License + Public Performance Rights: $499
Please contact us directly to inquire about one or two-year digital licenses. Our standard pricing is $250 for a one-year license or $350 for a two-year license but we welcome the opportunity to work with each campus and to hep you curate packages. Hosting is available for an additional fee.
ORIGINAL TITLE: The Sound of Masks
YEAR: 2018
GENRE: Documentary
DURATION: 70 min
COUNTRY: South Africa, Portugal
DIRECTOR: Sara CF de Gouveia
WRITER: Sara CF de Gouveia
PRODUCTION: Lionfish Productions & Ukbar Filmes